
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Misbah's Advice: How to Really Study for Midterms/Exams/Finals

I can't believe it's already the middle of the semester! University seems to be going by fairly quickly - or maybe it's just the super busy schedule I've had recently... Regardless, I have my first midterm tomorrow in psychology and I seem to be prepared for it. I'm still kind of stressed out because I get stressed out at the sound of any test, especially now that my enrollment into university is on the line. I decided it was the best time of the year to advise others about my study tips that will {hopefully} enable you to earn an "A" on your midterm, tests, or final exams! 

1) Always review your notes after class and before the next class.

Ebbinghaus theorized that the most forgetting takes place right after we learn something. So, if you're reviewing your notes on a daily basis, you are able to retain that memory a lot easier. Also, it makes it easier for you to study when you do have a test because you already know most of the material. Also, when I was in Ready, Set, Teach; we were told to reinforce the main idea in our lesson plans three times. We did this because it takes three times to fully remember and ingrain an idea. So keep on reading, rereading, and rereading! 

2) Study at least 4-5 days in advance.

I like to study four days in advance, sometimes five if there is a lot of material to cover. It's proven that if you study collectively (meaning, you study over the course of a few days) and then reserve one day to review, you will retain more info and you will be able to recall that memory easier. So studying the night before or a couple of days before and cramming material in will not help you. It will only hurt you. 

3) Pulling an all-nighter will hurt you more than you think.

Sleep deprivation lowers your ability to recall stored memory. So, you may seem cool to your friends when you brag about the all-nighter you pulled for that Bio exam, but in reality, you know you totally bombed that exam because you couldn't remember anything regardless of studying all night. The best remedy for recalling studied material is to study it collectively and to get eight hours of sleep each night and before test day. Your body needs those eight hours in order to process and store all that information into sturdy memory! 

4) Write and do not type.

Studies have shown that retention is better when you are writing your notes. The muscle movements send signals to the brain which help you remember the information you are learning. So next time you're in class, bust out that notebook and pen. Typing on a computer will only hinder your ability to learn correctly. If you're in a class where your professor talks too fast and typing is the easiest solution to get everything they are saying, I would still recommend writing but also invest in a sound recorder or just use the sound recorder on your phone! This way, if you miss anything, you will be able to go back to the lecture and fill in holes! 

5) Go to the review sessions!!!

Review sessions may not seem helpful, but sometimes, professors will give subtle hints as to what is on the test. Going to that review session may seem painful because you could be doing other things, but what if that session was able to earn you an "A"? I always go the review sessions because it makes me feel more comfortable with the material on the test. My professors tell me exactly what's on it and some even give out a couple of questions from it! 

6) Relax before the test.

If you've studied well, gotten enough sleep, and you know everything there is to know, then relax. Drink some tea, slap on a face mask, and just sit back and relax for a moment. Breathe deeply and do some stellar yoga poses. Just relax for just a moment. Sometimes, we stress out and freak out right before the test. What's even worse is when that freakout causes you to suddenly forget all the material you just learned! DON'T PANIC. It will come to you if you just take a breather and relax. You've done your share, now it's up to your brain to recall all that memory from your very sturdy engram. 

Good luck on everyone who has midterms coming up! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. 


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