
Sunday, July 20, 2014

DIY Succulent Terrarium

A couple of weeks ago, I made a visit to World Market. They currently have a seasonal botanist collection and there were these hanging terrarium globes displayed. I instantly became inspired to create my own terrarium. Because World Market isn't always cheap and they didn't have the real plants I wanted, I decided to find cheaper alternatives.

- Bowl (Dollar Tree $1)
- Moss (Dollar Tree $1)
- Rocks (Dollar Tree $1)
- Cactus Soil (Lowe's $4.25)
- Sand (Joann's $2.99 w/o coupon)
- Succulent (Lowe's $2.50)

Step 1: 
Fill the bottom of your terrarium with a one or two inch layer of rocks or pebbles. This serves as a drainage for the succulents. 

Step 2:
Add potting soil. I recommend using the above potting soil. If you cannot find that specific kind, any easy draining soil will work. Make sure your potting soil is specifically for cactus and succulents. Regular potting soil will not allow these plants to live very long.

Your terrarium should look something like this:

Step 3:
Add your succulent in! Of course you can add more than one, but my bowl only fits one. I also forgot to take a picture before I added the sand so I just took it midway. 

Step 4:
Add the sand! Add a thin layer of sand right on top of the soil. I also added a few white rocks for decoration. I decided to leave the sand like so instead of adding the moss on top because it's already such a tiny terrarium that I didn't want to overcrowd it. If your terrarium is larger, go ahead and add moss! Make it as green as you can :)

Yay! You're finished with your terrarium! Be sure to water it every two weeks and fertilize it once a month from May - September. Also, give it about 5 - 6 hours of sunlight daily. Don't leave it out in the sun for too long or your might burn it. Have fun caring for your succulents!


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