Hey everyone! I have a HUGE announcement for you all! So I've been using this stellar website called Yummly for about a year now and it was only until a few days ago that I decided to actually log into my account. Upon doing so, I realized that I could add my own recipes to the website and so I added the mayo cake recipe that I adapted and they recognized my blog as a publisher and gave it a publisher's page!
Before I go on further, let me explain to you what exactly Yummly is. Yummly is a website that collects millions of recipes from all around the internet. By creating an account, you can "Yum" or like certain recipes and in doing so, add them to your recipe box. Your recipe box is simply an easy access collection of recipes you have found around the internet that you like. If there is a certain ingredient you do not want in your recipes, Yummly can easily filter out recipes that include that ingredient. It's an extremely helpful tool and website for anyone exploring for recipes and ideas.
Being part of the Yummly Publisher's Network means that I get to add my recipes onto my publishers page which creates easy access to all of my recipes and content. Also, it's awesome for you guys because you'll be able to see my recipes a lot clearer and you can add my recipes to your recipe box on Yummly! Head on over to my publisher's page by clicking here!
Oh! One last thing, I added the Yum button onto my blog so now you all can Yum my posts and automatically add my recipes from my blog straight to your recipe box on Yummly!
Thank you!